WiFi1500CF Plug-In Hardware User Guide JA03-UM-WiFi
Page 8 Rev: P00 Date: 03/13/14
© Copyright 2014 Janus Remote Communications
Specifications subject to change without notice
All Rights Reserved See website for latest revision. Not intended for life support applications.
3. WiFi Module Continued
3.2 WiFi Module Operations
Operation of the GS1500M WiFi module requires a serial connection to the device, either through its UART0 port
or its slave SPI port. (The SPI Mode 0 firmware load is required to support the SPI port connection.) Operational
commands and data strings are transferred using the serial connection. A complete description is beyond the scope
of this User Manual; please refer to the GS1500M Serial-to-WiFi Adapter Application Programming Guide.
The GS1500M can operate in 3 different modes that are related to how the serial interface is utilized:
Command mode (default) – Command strings using an ‘AT’ command format can be used to configure the module.
Data processing mode – Using escape character sequences, data can be sent and received from up to 16
different IP address-port locations.
Auto connect mode – The module can be pre-configured to connect to a network at start-up as either a TCP
or UDP client or server. Following start-up, serial data is automatically sent to and received from a remote IP
address via the selected protocol.
3.2.1 Set-up:
This section describes the minimum hardware set-up requirements and some basic command procedures to
operate the GS1500M module. Hardware Set-up
Hardware set-up requires the following:
UART connection (GS1500M UART0). At a minimum the TX and RX lines must be supported. The WiFi1500CF
interface pins are at VIO voltage levels; the default value is 2.8 volts. The default UART configuration is 9600 baud, 8
bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1).
Antenna selection. The GS1500M has a printed circuit antenna that is selected by default. Alternatively, an external
WiFi antenna may be connected to the u.FL connector on the GS1500M module board. In this case the U.FL
connector antenna must be selected via a AT command; see the Basic Configuration section below.
- Power. Apply power to the unit by providing 5.0 +/- 0.25 volts across the WiFi1500CF SUPPLY and GND pins. Basic Commands:
In general, the AT commands are insensitive to character case. Successful commands usually return the characters “OK”
(if the default verbose mode is enabled). Please refer to the GS1500M Serial-to-WiFi Adapter Application Programming
Guide for details. Those commands requiring user parameters are indicated with the parameter being given in inequality
brackets, e.g. <PARAMETER>. Below are a few basic commands that can be used to demonstrate serial connectivity
with the GS1500M:
Network Status query
Scan for WiFi networks
MAC address query
The following disassociate command should be used before proceeding with any of the operational examples given in the
sections below to insure that any previous operating mode is cleared:
A reset to factory default conditions can be achieved with the following command:
Restore to factory defaults Basic Configuration:
When first powered, the GS1500M module will initialize and then send “Serial2WiFi APP” to the UART port, whereupon
the module is ready to receive commands. (If the module has been configures to auto connect, a network status message
is sent instead.)
The antenna output should be set to the printed circuit board antenna or the external antenna connected to the u.FL
connector. The antenna selection command is:
Where <n> specifies whether the printed circuit board antenna or the external u.FL antenna is selected:
1 = printed circuit board antenna
2 = u.FL connector