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T H E   N E W   M E M O R Y   C R A F T  

2 0 0

E   E M B R O I D E R Y   M A C H I N E .   T O TA L L Y   U N I Q U E .   J U S T   L I K E   Y O U .

Personalization is a snap.

Not only can you enjoy the freedom of personalizing 

just about everything you own, but you can do 

it easily thanks to the new Memory Craft 200E

embroidery machine. Embroider everything from

garments and accessories to home decorating

items. Simply snap in the hoop, press a key and let

the machine do the rest.

Leave perfection to 
a professional.

Not to boast, but Janome’s stitch quality is 

legendary. And to help carry on this legacy is the 200E.

The built-in stitch mechanism guarantees precision stitching for flawless, 

professional looking projects. And the bed-mounted carriage system offers 

supreme stability. So your stitches fall precisely where you want them to fall. 

But the Memory Craft goes beyond great stitch quality. It’s also yours at a 

terrific value. Talk about perfection.


Start designing right out

of the box. Or, bring in your
own original design using a
USB memory stick. You can
even choose from one of the
73 built-in designs. 


Place your item in the hoop.

Embroider ready-made items
or your own projects. You can
choose from the Large Hoop
(5.5” x 5.5”) or the optional
Small Hoop (2” x 2”).


Press Start. The 200E does

the rest! The machine stops
automatically when it is time
to change thread colors. It’s
that easy.


Add that 
special touch with 
a single touch.

On-board editing is easy thanks to

the 200E’s backlit LCD touchscreen.

Rotate and resize designs, add 

monograms or combine images in

Normal Sew. There’s no end to the 

creative possibilities.

Some great ideas 
come automatically…

…ideas like a built-in needle threader.

No need to struggle with threading

the needle. The built-in needle

threader saves you from eyestrain

and frustration. 

digital designs.

The 200E comes equipped with a

USB port, so you can transfer your

designs quickly and easily. Download

embroidery files from the internet,

or use powerful Janome Customizer

and Digitizer software to create and

edit your personal designs. Then, 

simply transfer the designs from 

your PC to the machine. 

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