Initial operation
Auxiliary measurement
If you decide to measure the neutral conductor cur-
rent, as seen in the circuit diagram, you'll have to set
up the auxiliary input. Chose "Auxiliary measure-
ment" from the main menu to get to the auxiliary in-
put settings. It is similiar to the main input settings.
Set the measuring mode (first menu line) to "meas"
and the connection in the second line to "1ph, 2w,
1m". The further settings should be set to the same
values as for the main input. Then set all thresholds
for events and transients to "off" by moving the cur-
sor to the percent sign and pressing the key (3) or
(4). If you do not use the auxiliary input, set rated
voltage and rated current to 0.
Fig. 4.13: Three phase measurement with auxiliary
input used to measure the neutral current.
Set the connection according to the used connection
Measurement mode
The auxiliary input
can be set to use
the summed volt-
age or current
from the main in-
put instead of the
real input. If you
decide to use one
of the summing
modes, most prob-
ably the power
(and related) values of the auxiliary input will be void.
Take your choice from the four available modes:
sum I
sum U
If you select one of the summing modes here, the
connection diagram will be fixed. Set the remaining
settings as requested like the corresponding main
input settings.
The auxiliary input processes the real in-
put values.
The auxiliary input processes the summed
voltage and current from the main input.
The auxiliary input processes the summed
current from main and the real auxiliary
voltage input.
The auxiliary input processes the summed
voltage from main and the real auxiliary
current input.