Back View Of Power Center Board
24 VA C from
S econdary of Transform er
3 A m p Fu se
R elay D river C hips
Jum per for Freeze P rotection
w ith Solar on D ual E quipm ent M odels
Program m able Peripheral D evice
S pare A ux
pry slots
alignm ent arrow
beveled corner
U 9 Socket
U 10 Socket
S PA R E A U X -
This socket has pow er only w hen the F ilter
P um p is on an d the pool w ater is circulating.
It has no pow er w hen the system sw itches to
“Spa”. It is used on a pool/spa com bination
system w hen the user w ishes to turn off a piece
of equipm ent (such as the chlorine generator)
w hile the spa is being used.
D IP S w itches
Bezel and Power Center Board
RS Troubleshooting
2 Power Center (continued)