Revision 2.0 - 5 July 1998
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Getting Started
Setting the input voltage
Before applying any power it is important that the DD-8 be configured to match the
incoming mains voltage. The fuse holder is marked with both “240V” and “110V”
markings - the label that is the correct way up indicates which input voltage is selected.
To change the input voltage, lever out the fuse holder with a flat blade screw driver and
rotate it 180 degrees. Swap the fuses and re-insert the fuse holder.
Note that the fuse holder is permanently attached to the socket assembly and can
only be removed about 20mm.
Note also that the rating of the fuse must be changed to match the input voltage.
Refer to the specifications for the correct fuse rating.
Connecting power
Connect a standard IEC plug and cable to the DD-8 inlet socket. When power is applied
the red POWER LED will light.
The DD-8 must be connected to a 3 pin earthed power source. Use of 2 pin (non-
earthed) power sources will reduce the ability of the DD-8 to protect against high
voltage shield faults.
Connecting DMX-512 input
The DD-8 input signal should conform to the USITT DMX-512 (1990) specification.
The DMX-512 input connects to the INPUT socket on the front panel. The green DMX
LED will light if there is signal present. See Appendix A for connector wiring details.
Connecting DMX-512 outputs
The DD-8 output signals are an amplified copy of the input signal. Connect the outputs
to the DMX-512 receiving devices as required. See Appendix A for connector wiring
Power-up sequence
When powering up, a system should be powered up in the order it appears in the DMX-
512 system, starting from the console and proceeding to any splitters or softpatches, and
finally to the dimmers or fixtures. The DD-8 should be powered up in its appropriate
position in the system.
This procedure minimises the risk of producing the lighting equivalent of an audio
“thump” and prevents damage to lamps, dimmers, and other controlled devices.
Use the reverse procedure when powering down.