4. Controls and Functions
A. Volume Down
– Controls step-down volume
adjustment from the linked source, by press-
ing once momentarily for each step of volume
B. Volume Up
– Controls step-up volume adjust-
ment from the linked source, by pressing
once momentarily for each step of volume
increase. Press and HOLD for approximately
6 seconds to track-up to the next music song
C. Intercom/Search Mode Button
– Used for
helmet-to-helmet intercom linking/activa-
tion and also for turning on/off the Headset
together with the Multifunction Button.
D. Data and Power Cable Jack
– This jack is
used to plug-in the charge cable and for
downloading updates to the internal software.
E. Aux Input Port
F. Multifunction Button
– Used for turning on/
off the Headset together with the Intercom/
search mode Button, answering an incoming
phone call and/or initiating voice-command
dial functions.
G. Headset Connection Port
C. Intercom/Search
Mode Button
D. Data and Power Cable Port
E. Aux Input
B. Volume Up
G. Headset
Connection Port
A. Volume Down
F. Multifunction Button