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TM-1327GE Hardware
8.5.2 Internal Direct Shutter Speed Control
Figure 30.
Internal Direct Shutter Speed Control
The video signal starts with internal VINIT. When the external VINIT pulse is applied, internal VINIT
is latched to HD and the internal VINIT is delayed to set up the shutter speed period. The shutter speed
is controlled by communication software. Video output timing starts right after the internal VINIT and
single shots, FDV is output at the internal VINIT timing.
8.5.3 External VINIT With Pulse Width (No-Delay Shutter)
For multiple-camera applications such as 2D or 3D measurement and multi-angle inspection,
simultaneous image capturing at an exact shutter timing for all cameras is a critical requirement. The
TM-1405’s asynchronous pulse-width control mode provides no-delay shutter (Figure 31) as standard.
Regardless of the internal pulse timing, the camera discharges at the VINIT leading edge and transfers
charges at the trailing edge of the pulse. Even though each camera runs with slightly different H and
data clock timing, the image capturing is exactly simultaneous.
INT. VINIT with shutter speed control
Transfer Gate
Analog Video Sync
Exposure time set by shutter speed