RM/TM-1405GE Series
Configuring the Camera
: a multiplier value used to scale the Delay and the Duration in increments of
30 nsec.
: shows the timer’s period in units of nsec.
: select the signal state of the TriggerSource to start the Timer.
RisingEdge: starts when the trigger signal goes from Low to High
LevelHigh: starts when the trigger signal is at the High state.
FallingEdge: starts when the trigger signal goes from High to Low.
AnyEdge: starts on any Falling or Rising Edge.
LevelLow: starts when the trigger signal is at the Low state.
: select the source of trigger to start the Timer.
PLC_Q: the trigger source comes from the PLC Q output. Each Timer has their source from
different Q output port:
Timer1 trigger comes from PLC_Q9
Timer1 trigger comes from PLC_Q8
Timer1 trigger comes from PLC_Q11
Timer1 trigger comes from PLC_Q10
Continuous: the Timer is always running.
PLC Grabber Features
IPEngine -->Grabber --> Channel0 -->AcquisitionConfiguration
: the camera has 16MB of memory for frame buffer. Water level
setting specifies how much of that memory to use with the AcquistionMode’s recording features.
Once the buffer is full no more images will be stored. Possible settings are:
Level50: 50%
Level75: 75%
Level87Point5: 87.5%
Level100: 100%
: invert pixel data turning the image into a negative image.
True: turn on pixel inversion.
False: turn off pixel inversion.
IPEngine -->Grabber --> Channel0 --> TriggerConfiguration
: set the number of images to discard for every one it keeps from the
camera head.
IPEngine Examples:
Example 1:
Setting the camera to accept external trigger signal:
Set ExposureMode to one of the Asynchronous modes.
Setup SignalRoutingBlock
a. Goto IPEngine > ProgrammableLogicController > SignalRoutingBlock
b. Set Trigger Input line by setting PLC_I0 to External_Trigger_In_Pin6
c. Set Camera Strobe Output by setting PLC_I4 to “Internal CAM_STROBE_Out”.
Setup the PLC to route the external trigger signal to the camera’s trigger line.
d. Goto IPEngine > ProgrammableLogicController > LookupTable > Q0/Q4/ Q5
Set PLC_Q0_Variable0 to PLC_I4 (Strobe output)
Set PLC_Q4_Variable0 to PLC_I0 (Trigger Line)