PN-EN 1074-1: 2002
Valves for water supply. Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate
verification tests. General requirements
PN-EN 1074-6: 2009
Valves for water supply. Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate
verification tests. Hydrants.
Fittings and pipelines. Pressures and temperatures.
PN-EN 19:2005
Industrial valves. Marking of metallic valves.
PN-EN 1092-2: 1999
Flanges and their connections. Circular flanges for pipes,
valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated. Cast iron flanges.
PN-EN ISO 6708: 1998
Pipework components. Definition and selection of DN (nominal size).
PN-EN 1559-1: 2011
Founding. Technical conditions of delivery. General.
PN-EN1563: 2012
Founding. Spheroidal graphite cast irons.
PN-EN1370: 2012
Founding. Examination of surface condition by
visual-tactile comparators.
PN-EN14384: 2009
Standpost hydrants.
PN-EN 10088-1: 2014
Stainless steels. List of stainless steels.
Specific application steel. Pipe steel. Grades.
PN-EN 1706 2011
Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Foundings. Chemical composition and
mechanical properties.
PN-EN1982: 2010
Copper and copper alloys. Ingots and castings.
PN-EN12420: 2002
Copper and copper alloys. Forgings.
PN-ISO 965-1: 2001
ISO general purpose metric screw threads. Tolerances. Principles and basic
PN-ISO 2903: 1996
Trapezoid ISO metric threads. Tolerances.
PN-EN ISO 4762:2006
Hexagon socket headcap screws.
PN-EN ISO 4017:2011
Hexagon head screws.
Product grades A and B.
PN-EN ISO 4014:2011
Hex head bolt. Product grades A and B.
PN-EN ISO 4032:2013
Hexagon regular nuts (style 1). Product grades A and B.
PN-EN ISO 7091:2003
Plain washers. Normal series. Product grade C
Spring washers.
PN-EN ISO 8752:2009
Spring-type straight pins. Slotted, heavy duty.
Steel wires 1x7.
Metallic seals.
PN-ISO 1629: 2005
Rubbers and lattices. Nomenclature.
PN-EN ISO 1873-1: 2000
Plastic materials. Polypropylene (PP) moulding and extrusion materials.
Designation system and basis for specifications.
PN-EN ISO 1872-1:2000
Plastic materials. Polyethylene (PE) moulding and extrusion materials.
Designation system and basis for specifications.
PN-EN ISO 12944-5: 2009
Paints and varnishes. Anti-corrosion protection of steel structures by means of
protective painting systems. Protective paint systems.
Standpoint hydrants are specific purpose industrial valves, therefore orders must include:
- product's catalogue number,
- intended use, e.g. for water supply systems;
- nominal diameter — acc. to PN-EN ISO 6708: 1998
- nominal pressure, acc. to PN-89/H-02650;
- type of body material — acc. to PN-EN 1563: 2012
- max. operating temperature — acc. to PN-89/H — 02650.