Naviga on
Naviga ng the en re menu structure is done by touching the screen.
The two screen selec ons indicated below can be selected. Touch one of these to enter a
different screen with addi onal controls.
Most menu screens me out and revert to the main screen a er 30 seconds of no ac vi-
At the bo om of the screen, at certain mes an indicator may appear showing that a
message is wai ng. Touch this indicator to go to the Message Display Screen. On that
screen some of the messages can be dismissed.
Se ngs
Spa Equipment
A warning message is wai ng
10.3 The Spa Screen
The Spa Screen shows all available equipment to control. The display shows icons that are re-
lated to the equipment installed on a par cular swim spa model, so this screen may change
depending on the installa on. The icon bu ons are used to select and control individual de-
Some devices, like pumps, may have more than one ON state, so the icon will change to re-
flect the state of the equipment. Below are some examples of 2
-speed pump indicators.
Press Up or Down to display the Set Temperature (indicated by a flashing
F or
C, plus a change in colour of the temperature). Press up or Down again to
modify the Set Temperature. The Set Temperature changes immediately.
If you need to switch between High Temperature Range and Low Temperature
Range you need to go to the Se ngs Screen.