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play of


Your tub can serve as a place in which to carry out some simple well-being exercises, 
which are simultaneously, exciting. Attempt to follow our recommendations: the water 
makes all movements easier.



resting on the backrest, lift one leg, bend it and slowly bring the knee to the body, stretch 

out the leg and repeat the exercise three times with one leg and then switch to the other leg. 
You may complete five consecutive sets.



resting on the backrest, breathe in deeply and whilst breathing out, contract 

the abdominal muscles. Carry this exercise out slowly, aiming to complete five sets. You can 
slowly increase the number of sets up to ten consecutive sets.

Shoulders and neck:


make sure your shoulders are immersed; using a circular movement, 

slowly rotate the shoulders forwards and backwards five times. In this same position (with the 
shoulders immersed), gently and slowly move the head from one side to the other.
Take a break between exercises, completing three full sets; you can slowly increase the num-
ber of sets up to ten consecutive sets.



after having completed the exercises, sit down, close your eyes and do some slow 

breathing exercises (breathing in and out).

Summary of Contents for J.Touch

Page 1: ...RVARE CON CURA Vasche con telecomando Tubs with remote control Baignoires t l commande Wannen mit Fernbedienung Ba eras con mando a distancia J touch Use Maintenance KEEP CAREFULLY Utilisation Entreti...

Page 2: ...41 Sanitization does not start 42 The Sanitization cycle stops of its own accord 42 Additional error messages 42 Indice Avvertenze 5 Veri chepreliminari 6 CaricareiltelecomandoJ touch 6 TelecomandoJ...

Page 3: ...quelques conseils 50 Hydromassageclassique 51 Aquasystem AQS 53 Cromodream si pr vu 55 Syst medemaintien delatemp raturedel eau si pr vu 57 Hygi nisation 58 Entretien 59 Encasdedi cult s 61 L hydroma...

Page 4: ......

Page 5: ...nza dei getti chiudendone parzial mente le bocchette ove previsto e o regolando al minimo l intensit dell idromassaggio L idromassaggio controindicato in casi di malattie gravi patologie in fase acuta...

Page 6: ...irca 10 ore 1 2 1 2 2 5 4 100 240V 50 60 Hz 125V 5 A max 250V 2 5 A max 1 USB port 5V 2 1 A max 2 USB ports 5V 1 05 A max 1 3 9 click 10 h 8 6 7 1 2 1 2 1 2 10 Q Terminata la carica riposizionate il c...

Page 7: ...uzzi Non esporre il telecomando a fiamme fuoco o calore eccessivo Non maneggiare il caricabatterie con le mani bagnate Non lasciare il telecomando immerso in acqua Per ricaricare la batteria utilizzar...

Page 8: ...o insieme all ergonomia interna delle forme proprio per ottimizzare gli effetti dell azione idroterapica La stimolazione della pelle con bagni caldi e idromassaggio produce un aumento della circolazio...

Page 9: ...mentre espirate con traete i muscoli addominali Fate questo esercizio con calma cercando di arrivare fino a cin que serie Potete aumentare gradualmente fino a dieci serie consecutive Spalle e collo a...

Page 10: ...gio varia dai 15 ai 20 minuti i primi effetti sono comunque percepibili gi dai primi 5 10 minuti vi sentirete rivitalizzati meno stressati i muscoli saranno pi tonici proverete un generale senso di be...

Page 11: ...2 pump 2 mod AQS Q possibile agire su entrambe le pompe o solo su una premete prima il tasto della pompa che volete regolare e quindi agite ripetutamente sui tasti o a variazione effettuata i led del...

Page 12: ...uminato ma a bassa intensit se sono attive entrambe le pompe spegnetene prima una e poi l altra Modalit one touch per spegnere contemporaneamente tutte le funzioni attive tene te premuto il tasto on o...

Page 13: tenendo premuto il tasto relativo 1 2 1 2 Per selezionare un programma diverso da quello proposto premete in sequenza il ta sto AQS occorre comunque attendere alcuni secondi prima che il nuovo prog...

Page 14: ...EMPRE l idromassaggio spegnete anche l interruttore principale installato sulla linea di alimentazione della vasca Per arricchire la vostra wellness experience possibile abbinare all idromassaggio la...

Page 15: ...i quali blu arancione azzurro bianco Energy Niente pi vitale del rosso e dell arancio vivificati e accesi dalla forza della luce bianca che a loro si alterna Sun Un atmosfera solare un trio di tonalit...

Page 16: ...Modalit one touch per spegnere contemporaneamente tutte le funzioni attive tenete premuto il tasto on off 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Il faro rimane acceso per circa mezz o ra dopo di che si spegne automatica men...

Page 17: ...dispositivo vi consente di mantenere l acqua in vasca ad una temperatura idonea per l idromassaggio Q Tenete premuto il tasto indicato la sua luce diventa pi intensa e viene attivato il siste ma di ma...

Page 18: ...erso deve coprire le boc chette situate sullo schienale Q Verificate che gli ugelli delle bocchette situate lungo il perimetro della vasca siano aperti Se non stato gi fatto versate il liquido sanitiz...

Page 19: ...a vasca nel caso fosse necessario effettuare una manuten zione straordinaria rivolgetevi ad un Centro Assistenza Jacuzzi Q Ad installazione ultimata viene applicato un prodotto che serve a proteggere...

Page 20: ...mponenti come indicato rimuovete quindi eventuali residui con uno spazzolino morbido acqua e sapone neutro Riassemblate i componenti seguendo l ordine inverso 1 2 bocchette idromassaggio gettirotanti...

Page 21: ...siderate riavviate l idromassaggio fate riferimento al cap relativo aggiungete acqua e ripristinate il livello se la funzione non riprende automaticamente av viatela nuovamente tenendo premuto il tast...

Page 22: ...cqua insufficiente liquido sanitizzante insufficiente 1 guasto al sistema di trasmissione dati interfaccia seriale RS485 motore e o inverter surriscaldato o guasto se lampeggia il simbolo A si gnifica...

Page 23: ...enga stabilita la connessione una volta accesa la vasca ed aver atteso alcuni secondi provate a tenere premuto il tasto fino a che non si illuminano i tasti delle funzio ni se ci non bastasse rivolget...

Page 24: ......

Page 25: ...inimum hydromassage intensity Thehydromassageisnotrecommendedforpersonswhosuf fer from serious illnesses acute diseases acute and chronic respiratory failure issues with the circulatory system and cer...

Page 26: 1 2 1 2 2 5 4 100 240V 50 60 Hz 125V 5 A max 250V 2 5 A max 1 USB port 5V 2 1 A max 2 USB ports 5V 1 05 A max 1 3 9 click 10 h 8 6 7 1 2 1 2 1 2 10 Q Once charging is complete reposition the USB co...

Page 27: ...o not expose the remote control to flames fire or excessive heat Do not handle the battery charger with wet hands Do not leave the remote control immersed in water Only use the battery charger supplie...

Page 28: ...forms to optimise the effects of the hydro therapy actions Stimulation of the skin using warm baths and hydromassage increases the circulation blood flow even the lymphatic system activating enzyme ac...

Page 29: ...hilst breathing out contract the abdominal muscles Carry this exercise out slowly aiming to complete five sets You can slowly increase the number of sets up to ten consecutive sets Shoulders and neck...

Page 30: ...utes the initial effects can be felt after just 5 10 minutes you will feel revitalised less stressed the muscles will be more toned you will experience a general sense of well being The hydromassage d...

Page 31: ...ossible to use just one or both pumps keep the key of the pump you wish to ad just held down and repeatedly press the or keys once adjustments have been made the pump key LED light will light up and b...

Page 32: ...n but it is not very bright in the instance where both pumps are active switch one off followed by the other One touch Mode hold down the on off key to switch off all active functions at the same time...

Page 33: ...the relative key 1 2 1 2 To select a different programme than the one offered press in sequence the AQS key you must wait a few seconds before the new programme begins 1 2 1 3 4 Renew 2 Dream Breath S...

Page 34: the tub ALWAYS switch off the hy dromassage also switch off the main switch of the appliance s power supply To enrich your wellness experience it is possible to add the Cromodream coloured light or...

Page 35: ...h as blue orange sky blue white Energy Nothing can be as vital as red and orange livened up and made brighter by the strength of the white light which alternates with the aforementioned Sun A solar se...

Page 36: ...hold down the on off key to switch off all active functions at the same time 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 The spotlight will remain on for ap proximately half an hour after which time it will automatically turn of...

Page 37: ...s you maintain the tub water temperature at a suitable temperature for hydromassage Q Hold down the key indicated the relative light will become brighter and the mainte nance system will be activated...

Page 38: must cover the nozzles on the backrest Q Check that the outlet nozzles along the tub perimeter are open Where not already completed pour the J MX 07 liquid sanitiser into the tank J MX 07 Q Hold do...

Page 39: ...w the tub advice provided where special maintenance is required contact a Jacuzzi Support Centre Q Once installation has been completed a product used to protect the components made from the material...

Page 40: ...sassemble the various components as displayed remove any residues using a soft brush water and a neutral soap Reassemble the components in reverse order 1 2 hydromassage nozzle rotatingjets airoutlet...

Page 41: ...age re fer to the relative chapter add water and restore to the level if the func tion does not automatically re start re start it by holding the relative key down once again Hydromassage doesnotstart...

Page 42: ...icient liquid sanitiser 1 data transmission system fault RS485 serial interface motor and on inverter overheat ed or fault if the A symbol flashes it means that there is a fault with pump 1 if the B s...

Page 43: ...seconds until the connection is established once the tub is on and you have waited a few seconds try and press the key until the function keys light up if this does not work contact an authorized Jac...

Page 44: ......

Page 45: ...ance des jets en fermant par tiellement les buses si pr vu et ou en r glant au minium l intensit de l hydromassage L hydromassage est contrindiqu en cas de maladies graves pathologies en phase aigu in...

Page 46: ...1 2 1 2 2 5 4 100 240V 50 60 Hz 125V 5 A max 250V 2 5 A max 1 USB port 5V 2 1 A max 2 USB ports 5V 1 05 A max 1 3 9 click 10 h 8 6 7 1 2 1 2 1 2 10 Q Une fois la charge termin e repositionner le cache...

Page 47: ...ande aux flammes au feu ou une chaleur excessive Ne pas manipuler le chargeur de la batterie avec les mains mouill es Ne pas laisser la t l commande immerg e dans l eau Pour recharger la batterie n ut...

Page 48: ...erne des formes afin d optimiser les effets de l action hydroth rapique La stimulation de la peau avec bains chauds et hydromassage produit une augmentation de la circulation sanguine et lymphatique a...

Page 49: ...ominaux Effectuez cet exercice calmement en essayant d arriver jusqu cinq s ries Vous pourrez augmenter graduellement jusqu dix s ries cons cutives paules et cou paules dans l eau avec un mouvement ci...

Page 50: ...ans tous les cas les premiers effets se per oivent d j apr s 5 10 minutes vous vous sentirez revitalis s moins stress s les muscles seront plus toniques vous prouverez un sens g n ral de bien tre La d...

Page 51: ...1 2 pump 2 mod AQS Q Ilestpossibled agirsurlesdeuxpompesouseulementsurune appuyerd abordsurlatouche delapompequel onsouhaiter gler puisagirdemani rer p t esurlestouches ou une foislavariationeffectu...

Page 52: ...e qui est en marche la touche reste allum e mais avec une basse intensit si les deux pompes sont actives en teindre d abord une puis l autre Mode one touch pour teindre simultan ment toutes les foncti...

Page 53: ...hecorrespondante 1 2 1 2 Pour s lectionner un programme diff rent de celui propos appuyer en s quence sur la touche AQS il faut dans tous les cas attendre quelques secondes avant que le nouveau progra...

Page 54: ...asque teindre TOUJOURS l hydromassage teindre aussi l interrupteur principal install sur la ligne d alimentation de la vasque Pour enrichir votre wellness experience il est possible d associer l hydro...

Page 55: ...ouleurs telles que bleu orange bleu ciel blanc Energy Rien n est plus vital que le rouge et l orange vivifi s et raviv s par la force de la lumi re blanche en alternance Sun Une atmosph re solaire un...

Page 56: ...uch pour teindre simultan ment toutes les fonctions actives maintenir enfonc e la touche on off 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Le spot reste allum pendant environ une demi heure apr s quoi il s teint automatiquement...

Page 57: ...f permet de maintenir l eau dans la vasque une temp rature ad quate pour l hydromassage Q Maintenir enfonc e la touche indiqu e sa lumi re devient plus intense et le syst me de maintien est activ Q La...

Page 58: ...buses situ es sur le dossier Q V rifier que les gicleurs des buses situ es le long du p rim tre de la vasque soient ouverts Si cela n a pas encore t fait verser le liquide hygi nisant J MX 07 dans le...

Page 59: ...ssaire un entretien ex traordinaire s adresser un Centre d Assistance Jacuzzi Q Une fois l installation termin e un produit servant prot ger les composants fabri qu s avec ce mat riau est appliqu les...

Page 60: ...iff rents composants comme indiqu retirer tout r sidu l aide d une petite brosse de l eau et un savon neutre R assembler les composants en suivant l ordre inverse 1 2 buses d hydromassage jetsrotatifs...

Page 61: ...ttre en marche l hydromas sage se r f rer au chap correspondant ajouter de l eau et r tablir le niveau si la fonction ne reprend pas automatiquement la mettre de nouveau en marche en maintenant enfonc...

Page 62: ...iveau d eau insuffisant liquide hygi nisant insuffisant 1 panne du syst me de transmission des donn es interface s rielle RS485 moteur et ou inverter surchauff ou en panne si le symbole A clignote cel...

Page 63: ...r que la connexion soit tablie une fois la vasque allum e et apr s avoir at tendu quelques secondes essayer de mainte nir enfonc e la touche jusqu ce que les touches des fonctions s allument si cela n...

Page 64: ...cio Unico Direzione e Coordinamento Jacuzzi Brands Corp USA S S Pontebbana km 97 200 33098 Valvasone PN ITALIA Tel 39 0434 859111 Fax 39 0434 85278 www jacuzzi eu info jacuzzi it Jacuzzi Spa Bath Ltd...
