© 2008 Jackson-Labs
FireFox Synthesizer User Manual [SOURce]:POWer[:LEVel] [IMMEdiate][:AMPLitude]
This command sets the actual magnitude of the output signal in SWEEP and CW mode. The unit is
defined in dBm. On
, the power magnitude is set to the minimum of -40dBm.
2.5.4 Phase Subsystem
The FireFox DDS provides a 14-bit internal phase control. The phase can be changed in relation to
the back panel GPSDO 10MHz reference output. The phase can be controlled over the a complete
360 degrees cycle. [SOURce]:PHASe[:ADJUST] <numeric_value> <unit>
This command controls the phase offset value relative to the GPS Disciplined OCXO (GPSDO)
reference. The phase value can be expressed in radians (no suffix) or in degrees (suffix DEG), and
should be defined in the interval [-PI,PI] radians or [-180, 180] Degrees.
, this value is set to 0.
2.5.5 Output Subsystem
This command controls the RF output connector of the FireFox Signal Generator. OUTPut[:STATe] <ON | OFF>
This command controls the RF output of the Firefox. At *RST, the output state is OFF. The output
state has to be ON for CW and SWEEP to generate a signal on the RF port.
2.5.6 Initiate Subsystem
The Initiate Subsystem controls the sweep functionality of the FireFox Signal Generator. INITiate:
The supported options for this command are:
:CONTinuous[:ALL] <ON | OFF>
The INITiate subsystem is used to control the initiation of the Sweep subsystem.
INITiate:CONTinuous[:ALL] <ON | OFF>
This command puts the Sweep subsystem in continuous mode. If the output is ON and the Frequency
mode is SWEep, the sweep is going to start and will continue until an Initiate:Continuous OFF
command is issued.
On *RST, INITiate:CONTinuous is set to OFF.
Summary of Contents for FireFox
Page 1: ...FireFox Synthesizer User Manual Document 0012008 Version 004 Date 10 April 2008...
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