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J4C 140/300


14. Disconnect the grey connector from the power supply.
15. Use the configuration you need by moving the DIPs, according to the instrumentation signal 



16. Care- fully mount the cover, minding the cables not to be pressed 



17. Fix the cover to the body by using the 8 screws 


18. Mount the hand wheel on the shaft and fix it by using the screw 


19. Mount the 3 outer connectors together with its rubber joints and fix them to the cover, by using the 




20. Remove the wiring label from the actuator and replace it by the one inside the kit box 



21. Fill in the document inside the kit, and send it to the fax number or e-mail, shown in the document.
      The actuator is ready to work.

Outer Set-Up: Only if necessary.

- B plug - Connect a cable between PIN 1 and PIN Earth 



- A plug - Connect it to the power supply.
- B plug, disconnect the cable between PIN 1 and PIN Earth.

  The actuator will make a complete maneuver.

  Connect and fix the B outer connector to the actuator. The actuator is ready to work.
