Keeping Shieldite Grounded
If you have the Shieldite Pyramids, Spheres, Cubes, or Stones you
can keep them permanently grounded to provide continues emf pro-
tection. This will keep the Shieldite discharging and cleaning itself
around the clock making it work at maximum effectiveness.
We recommend leaving these types of shieldite on our grounding
plug with aluminum foil in the rooms or areas you want to keep pro-
tected from emfs.
If you do have stainless steel appliances or a stove top in your kitchen
you can leave your shieldite on them to stay protected from emfs.
Smart Meters and Power lines /Stations
If you find that your smart meter is outside or you have power lines
or a power station close to your house you can also bury shieldite
stones in the dirt by the side of your house which is closest to the
smart meter, power lines or power station. We recommend using ad-
ditional protection inside but this will help neutralize the emfs closer
to the source reducing their strength. By burring the shieldite stones
in the ground it will keep them continuously grounded and out of site.
We recommend leaving these types of shieldite on our grounding
We recommend leaving these types of shieldite on our grounding
plug with aluminum foil in the rooms or areas you want to keep pro-
plug with aluminum foil in the rooms or areas you want to keep pro-
If you do have stainless steel appliances or a stove top in your kitchen
If you do have stainless steel appliances or a stove top in your kitchen
you can leave your shieldite on them to stay protected from emfs.
you can leave your shieldite on them to stay protected from emfs.
Smart Meters and Power lines /Stations
Smart Meters and Power lines /Stations
If you find that your smart meter is outside or you have power lines
If you find that your smart meter is outside or you have power lines
or a power station close to your house you can also bury shieldite
or a power station close to your house you can also bury shieldite
stones in the dirt by the side of your house which is closest to the
stones in the dirt by the side of your house which is closest to the
smart meter, power lines or power station. We recommend using ad-
smart meter, power lines or power station. We recommend using ad-
ditional protection inside but this will help neutralize the emfs closer
ditional protection inside but this will help neutralize the emfs closer
to the source reducing their strength. By burring the shieldite stones
to the source reducing their strength. By burring the shieldite stones
in the ground it will keep them continuously grounded and out of site.
in the ground it will keep them continuously grounded and out of site.