10 (22)
Low-Profile Version
Fig. 3
Low-profile version
In the low-profile version, only the Sub-D9 connector of CAN 1 is implemented. It is possible to
output the signals of CAN 2 to a second slot bracket.
To connect second slot bracket to the interface plug ribbon cable in connector (
) on in-
terface and in connector on second slot bracket.
The fieldbus expansion connectors can be used to extend each CAN circuit with fieldbus expan-
sions for additional fieldbuses (exclusively galvanically isolated interfaces). The signals of the
additional fieldbuses are applied to the corresponding CAN connector.
The CAN expansion board connector can be used to connect a CAN expansion board that can
provide up to two additional CAN interfaces and fieldbus expansions.
Synchronization Connector (Option)
The optional synchronization connector can be used to connect multiple CAN interfaces togeth-
er for synchronization (exclusively CAN-IB200/600/PCIe and CAN-IB400/800/PCI). For order
number of appropriate cable see
PC CAN Interface User Manual
4.01.0230.20000 3.0