Caution: Never attempt maintenance on a blower unless the electrical supply has been completely
disconnected, and lockout/tagout procedures are followed. The rotating assembly may also need to be
secured to eliminate the potential for wheel rotation due to other means such as wind milling or back
feeding from other blowers.
General Maintenance:
Blowers must be regularly inspected, the frequency being determined by the severity of the application. Routine
inspections should include the following checklist:
1. Check for wear, corrosion, and material build up on the blower wheel and/or housing and clean or replace as required.
2. Check the drive for proper alignment and lubrication.
3. Lubricate the bearings of the blower and motor.
Never over lubricate.
4. Check for worn shaft seals and repair or replace as necessary.
5. Check all setscrews and bolts for tightness. Check isolation bases for freedom of movement, looking for broken or
deteriorated rubber elements.
Bearing Maintenance:
DODGE IP and ISAF bearings are pre-packed with NLGI #2 Lithium Complex grease. For re-lubrication select a grease
that is compatible with a #2 Lithium Complex grease.
High Speed Operation - in the higher speed ranges, too much grease will cause over-heating. The amount of grease that
the bearing will take for a particular high speed application can only be determined by experience. If excess grease in the
bearing causes overheating, it will be necessary to remove grease fitting to permit excess grease to escape. The bearing
has been greased at the factory and is ready to run. When establishing a relubrication schedule, note that a small amount
of grease at frequent intervals is preferable to a large amount at infrequent intervals.
Ixom strongly cautions against over-greasing with too large of amounts per application as stated above. Only
personnel that understand using a very little amount of grease per application should be responsible for
lubrication of the bearings on the equipment we supply.
Air Filters:
The use of any type of filter requires that it
be kept clean
to prevent excessive pressure drop in the lines.
The dry element of the filter may be cleaned with soap & water and reused.
A total of six pleated filters occupy the filter housing. It is recommended the filters be cleaned periodically,
and especially leading into seasons of critical application.
Filter elements should be replaced when showing signs of wear which may be typical after several washes.
Filter element replacements should comply with the below requirements.
24” x 24” x 2” : 3,000cfm : 10 Micron : Pleated polyester.
Model: IFM P295 or Dollinger Al-187
Alternative: Graver Tech. GT-23106
© 2020 Ixom | | 866 - 437 - 8076 | [email protected]
Large Ventilation Blower
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