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W A T E R - R E S I S T A N C E
The water-resistance of IWC watches is stated in bar and not
in metres. Metres, which are often used elsewhere in the watch
industry to indicate water-resistance, cannot be equated with dive
depth because of the test procedures that are frequently used.
Water-resistance shown in metres provides no indication as to
actual use of the watch in the presence of moisture and wetness,
and in or under water. Recommendations for use in connection
with the water-resistance of your watch can be found on the Inter-
net at www.iwc.com/water-resistance. Your authorized IWC Of-
ficial Agent will also be pleased to provide you with information.
To ensure that your watch continues to function perfectly, you
should have it checked by an IWC service centre at least once a
year. Your watch should also be tested after exposure to unusual-
ly harsh conditions. If the tests are not carried out as stipulated,
or if the watch is opened by unauthorized persons, IWC will ac-
cept no warranty or liability claims.
Your authorized IWC Official Agent must carry
out a water-resistance test whenever your IWC watch is opened
and serviced.
P I L O T ' S W A T C H C H R O N O G R A P H