Basic functions - Customer level 1
Fine-tune the heat cur ve
The heat curve can also be fi ne-tuned. Fine-tuning means that you offset
the heat curve in parallel. Fine-tuning is done from the Temp. fi ne-tune
menu. The diagram for fi ne-tuning shows how the dashed line has been
offset upwards in parallel. This means the heating has been fi ne-tuned in a
positive direction and the heat pump will be instructed to maintain a higher
temperature on the return water at all outdoor temperatures.
Outdoor temperature (ºC)
Return temperature (ºC)
By using the menu dial on the control panel
the fi ne-tuning line has been moved up so the
heat pump produces more heat.
In warm weather (above +5ºC):
If you are not satisfi ed with the indoor temperature when it is warmer than
+5ºC outdoors, you should offset the curve in the Temp. fi ne-tune menu.
This is what to do:
1. Press the Heat button in the initial menu.
2. Turn the menu dial clockwise until you reach the menu
Temp. fi ne-tune
3. Press the Adjust button.
4. Turn the menu dial clockwise to increase the heating.
Turn the menu dial anti-clockwise to lower the heating.
(Adjust in small increments, 0.5-1.0 units, is usually enough.)
5. Save the new value by pressing the Save button.
Temp. fi ne-tune
-10° 0,0 10°
Return Adjust