Engineered Valves, LLC
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Technical Manual No. IOT4400F Effective 8/31/2018
Continue as follows (Reference drawings 117923 and 117924):
Unscrew Hex Nuts (Item 13) from Tie Rods (Item 12) and remove Rods.
Remove Junction Box Bracket (Item 122) and Slide off Actuator Top Cap
Remove Actuator Shaft Wiper (Item 6), Actuator Shaft Seal (Item 7), Cylinder
Seal (Item 4), Snap Ring (Item 9), Bushing (Item 8) and O-ring (Item 10) from
Top Cap.
Grasp the wall and vent port of the Cylinder (Item 3), slide it over the Piston
(Item 21) and off the assembly. Remove Cylinder Seal (Item 4) from valve body.
Use wrench to hold flats of Actuator Shaft (Item 91) on Outlet Valve
Subassembly and loosen top Piston Nut (Item 19). Unscrew top Piston Nut (Item
19) from Outlet Valve Subassembly.
Places the Spring Compressor (P/N 49088) on Piston (Item 21) and secure tie rods
to valve body. Wrench tight the tie rods, in uniform increment, to compress the
Outlet Return Spring (Item 28) and relieving the spring force on the bottom
Piston Nut (Item 19). Unscrew the bottom Piston Nut (Item 19).
Do not allow the
Outlet Valve Subassembly to rotate during nut removal. Hold on flats of Actuator
Shaft (Item 91) to keep from turning.
After removing the bottom Piston Nut it is possible for the
Outlet Valve Subassembly to fall from the bottom of the
valve. Properly support the Outlet Valve until it is removed.
Slowly unscrew tie rods of the Spring Compressor (P/N 49088). Note the two tie
rods must be removed uniformly. The spring will completely relax prior to
Slide Washer (Item 20) and Piston (Item 21) off the Actuator Shaft (Item 91) of
the Outlet Valve Subassembly.