[Voicemail service]
Voice inbox is a kind of network service. You may be required to start this function first. For more information and the number
of voice inbox, you can consult your service supplier.
Voicemail of SIM Card 1
Edit: you can edit or delete the number of your voice inbox and press OK Key t save this number.
Connect to voice inbox: you can dial the number of voice inbox saved in voice inbox number function list. If your phone
has two cards, then each card can have respective voice inbox number.
Tip: At standby state, you can press 1 key to dial the voice inbox after the number is set. If the voice box is in card 1, then
the dial is made by card 1.
Voicemail of SIM Card 2
Edit: you can edit or delete the number of your voice inbox and press OK Key t save this number.
Connect to voice inbox: you can dial the number of voice inbox saved in voice inbox number function list. If your phone
has two cards, then each card can have respective voice inbox number.
Tip: Key 1 is only effective to card 1. To dial the number of the voice box in card 2 you should enter the menu.
Cell Broadcast is the function for network operator to end some information as weather forecast and traffic state to GSM user
in special districts.
[Broadcast message]
Cell Broadcast is the service that network operator to end some information such as weather forecast and traffic state to GSM
users in special districts.
Broadcast message of SIM Card 1
[Receive Mode]
Enable of disenable the function of message reception.
[Read Message]
You can read the received messages only when Receive Cell Broadcast Message is enabled. This service shall
be started first.
Set the language of received messages.
[Channel Settings]
Select or add and edit and delete channel number.
If you start this function for card 1, then card 1 will receive your cell broadcast.
Broadcast message of SIM Card 2
[Receive Mode]
Enable of disenable the function of message reception.
[Read Message]
You can read the received messages only when Receive Cell Broadcast Message is enabled. This service shall