4 Operation
4.1 Preparation for start-up
4.1.1 Stuffing boxes
In the conventional stuffing box, mechanical seals and packing seal between the stationary and rotating
components of the pump. Generally, a clear liquid such as water is forced through the stuffing box to lu-
bricate the sealing elements. The lubricating liquid pressure must exceed the pressure of the pumpage
at the stuffing box. For end suction pumps, lubricating liquid pressure should be 10-15 PSIG higher than
the discharge pressure. For side and double suction pumps, lubricating liquid pressure should be 10-15
PSIG higher than the suction pressure.
To determine suction or discharge pressure, use gauge pressure only.
The piping supplying the lubrication liquid should be fitted tightly to prevent air from entering. On suction
lifts, a small quantity of air entering the pump at this point may result in loss of suction.
Lubrication liquid pressure is controlled by a valve on the outlet piping. Since the liquid leaking from the
stuffing box should be clear, control of the packing lubricant will vary with the condition of the packing.
Increase pressure within the stuffing box by closing outlet valve. Adjustments should be slow and consis-
tent with the run-in procedure for new packing.
The lubricating liquid must be clean, free of grit and acid. Shaft sleeve scoring, packing destruction, and
mechanical seal face damage will result from contaminated lubricant.
4.1.2 Packing
Packed stuffing boxes are not allowed in an ATEX classified environment.
Original equipment packing is a suitable grade for the service intended. To replace original packing, con-
tact your local Goulds representative.
Refer to Bill of Material and Assembly Drawing for specific packing size and configuration.
4 Operation
Model JC Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions