The lubrication is not cooled properly.
Check the cooling system.
The pump is noisy or
The pump and driver are not aligned
Realign the pump and driver.
The impeller is partly clogged.
Back-flush the pump to clean the impeller.
The impeller or shaft is broken or bent. Replace the impeller or shaft as necessary.
The foundation is not rigid.
Tighten the hold-down bolts of the pump and motor
or adjust the stilts.
The bearings are worn.
Replace the bearings.
Rotating parts are binding.
Check the internal wearing parts for proper clear-
The pump is cavitating.
Locate and correct the system problem.
The pump leaks ex-
cessively at the stuff-
ing box.
The shaft is bent.
Straighten the shaft or replace it if necessary.
The pump and driver are not aligned
Realign the pump and driver.
The bearings are worn out or improper-
ly lubricated.
Inspect the bearings and replace them if necessa-
The stuffing box is
The stuffing box has air leaks.
Check the packing or seal and replace if necessa-
ry. Check for the proper amount of lubrication.
The stuffing box is improperly packed. Check the packing and repack the stuffing box. If
the packing is too tight, then try releasing the gland
pressure and tightening again.
The incorrect packing or mechanical
seal has been installed.
Consult with ITT.
The mechanical seal is damaged.
Inspect and replace the mechanical seal as neces-
sary. Consult with ITT.
The shaft sleeve is scored.
Machine or replace the shaft sleeve as necessary.
The packing is too tight or the mechan-
ical seal is not adjusted properly.
Check and adjust the packing. Replace any parts
as necessary. Adjust the mechanical seals. Consult
the instructions supplied by the seal manufacturer
or consult with ITT.
The motor requires ex-
cessive power.
The discharge head has dropped be-
low the rated point and is pumping too
much liquid.
Install a throttle valve. If this does not help, then
trim the impeller diameter.
If this does not help, then consult an ITT represen-
The liquid is heavier than expected.
Check the specific gravity and viscosity.
The shaft is rotating in the wrong direc-
Change the rotation. The rotation must match the
arrow on the bearing housing or pump casing.
The impeller is damaged.
Inspect the impeller and replace it if necessary.
Rotating parts are binding.
Check the internal wearing parts for proper clear-
The shaft is bent.
Straighten the shaft or replace it if necessary.
The motor speed is too high.
Check the motor voltage or the steam pressure re-
ceived by turbines. Make sure the motor speed
matches the speed on the nameplate.
The stuffing box is improperly packed. Check the packing and repack the stuffing box. If
the packing is too tight, then try releasing the gland
pressure and tightening again.
The bearings are worn out or improper-
ly lubricated.
Inspect the bearings and replace them if necessa-
The running clearances between the
wear rings are incorrect.
Check for the proper clearances. Replace the cas-
ing or impeller wear rings if necessary.
7.1 Troubleshooting
Model 3410 Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual