Figure 7: J type foundation bolts
3.3 Level baseplate
3.3.1 Fabricated steel
Place two sets of wedges or shims on the foundation, one set on each side of every foundation bolt
(Fig. 8 & 9). The wedges should extend 20mm | .75 in. to 40mm | 1.50 in. above foundation, to al-
low for adequate grouting. This will provide even support for the baseplate once it is grouted.
Remove water and/or debris from anchor bolt holes/sleeves prior to grouting. If the sleeve type
bolts are being used, fill the sleeves with packing or rags to prevent grout from entering.
Figure 8:
Carefully lower baseplate onto foundation bolts.
Level baseplate to within 3.2mm | .125 in. over length of the baseplate and to within 1.5mm | .088
in. over the width of the base by adjusting wedges.
A level should be placed across the pump mounting pads and the motor mounting pads.
Hand tighten the bolts.
3.3 Level baseplate
3196CC Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions