CGW-I Cellular Gateway BRI-GSM : Installation and Operation Manual
Prepaid Settings
The Prepaid Settings window lets you set up prepaid SIM parameters.
Field Parameter
SIM Setup
Enable SIM Setup
Parameters Checkbox
Check to enable the SIM Setup and Reset Parameters
below, as well as the Remaining Prepaid SIM Time fields in
the Statistics screen (see page 43).
Global Time
Enter the amount of Global time credit awarded by the
network provider for each SIM.
Free Time
Enter amount of free calling time credit awarded by the
network provider for the month for each SIM.
Range: 1-9999
Prepaid Time
Enter the number of monthly discounted minutes (calling
time threshold) for each SIM card, not including Free Time
minutes. The remaining amount of unused prepaid time is
displayed on the Statistics screen (page 43).
Range: 1-9999
Before this threshold level is reached, an alarm will be
triggered if the SIM Operation Time alarm is set (checked).
For example, you may purchase a 5000 minute SIM card
that allows 1,000 minutes at a discounted cost per minute
each month. Any calls made beyond the 1,000 minutes will
cost more. In such a case, you must set the Prepaid Time to
1,000 to alert you must stop using the card and replace it
with a new discounted card.