This section provides information about proving the Intelis Gas Meter. Meteorological proving
allows users to test the Intelis Gas Meter accuracy. Temper meters unpackaged in the proving
area for 24 hours prior to the testing.
Follow your company's standard operating procedures regarding the use
of personal protection equipment (PPE). Adhere to guidelines issued by your
company in addition to those contained in this document when proving meters.
The Intelis Gas Meter Test Mode and a prover station are used to confirm the accuracy of the
meter. Proving the Intelis Gas Meter requires attaching the pulse output prover cable between
the meter and the proving station. After the test is complete, the proving cable is removed and
the meter returns to normal operation.
The Intelis Gas ultrasonic meter is highly accurate and sensitive to air flow. The meter
displays registration to 0.001 CCF. The meter sensitivity makes it possible to see the index
incrementing even with the hub caps in place.
For documentation information, see
Prover Station
The prover station captures and counts pulses from a pulse output proving cable. Each pulse
reflects a specific volume (pulse weight) of gas measured by the meter. Pulse width is a length of
time for the pulse. Both pulse width and pulse weight are configurable parameters using FDM.
The Intelis Gas Meter pulse weight must match the prover setup as described in this section's
proving instructions.
Test Mode
The Intelis Gas Meter cannot be programmed (configured) or calibrated while the meter is in
Test Mode. You must exit Test Mode to program or configure the meter. Attempting to program
or configure parameters while the meter is in Test Mode will result in a
temporary error
. If the
valve icon is blinking, the meter is unable to go into Test Mode. Wait a few minutes and try again.
If the valve icon is blinking, the meter is unable to go into Test Mode. Wait a few
minutes and try again.
08 July 2020
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