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135 Stewart Road
Ph: 570.820.8811
Hanover Industrial Estates
Fx: 570.820.8838
Hanover Township, PA 18706
Power Moller does not run
Check that the green LED 1 illuminated to indicate the card is receiving 24 V DC
Check that the voltage to the card is stable 24V DC, see page 4
Check the wiring to CN1 is properly wired and in the correct position, see page 3
Run signal
Check the run signal is properly wired and in the correct position of CN2-1, see page 3
Check the signal injected into CN2-1 is the proper voltage: 0V for NPN or 24V for PNP
Check if 0V DC is used for CN2-1 run signal that it is common to 0V DC in CN1-2,
see page 3
Check the red LED 2 is illuminated or blinking; if so remove the cause of the error, see
page 6. See also page 9 in troubleshooting “Error signal is frequently discharged”
Power Moller
Check that the Power Moller is properly inserted into the frame.
Check that the end caps are not contacting the frame and that the motor side shaft
has been secured by the applicable mounting bracket. If using an FS or FP type
motors then both shafts, motor and spring loaded shaft, must also be secured by the
applicable mounting bracket. Proper mounting is required for tube rotation.
Check that the Power Moller’s connector is properly inserted into the driver card.
In belt applications check the belt tension is not too strong for the Power Moller type.
When slaving idler rollers check that the number of idlers slaved is adequate for the
Power Moller type being used.
Check that the Power Moller’s cable is in good condition, with no twisting or severe
kinks in the cable that would indicate broken wires. Also check for any cuts in the
power cable or wires near the connector.
Speed variation not achieved or speed is slower than expected
Power Moller
Check the speed of the Power Moller to see if it is the correct model to achieve
the speed variation or the speed expected
SW1-2 Setting
Check the dip switch SW1-2 is set properly for your speed adjustment, ON for
external speed and OFF for internal speed, see page 5. If set for external speed
and there is no voltage input to CN2 Power Moller will run at its slowest speed.
External Speed
Check when using external voltage to vary the speed that the 0V line is common
with the 0V connected to CN1-2 or Power Moller will remain at its slowest speed.
Check that the 24V DC power to the card is stable
Check the analog voltage input is between 0V and 10V DC.
Check the wiring to CN2-3 is properly inserted in the correct position in the
connector and the connector is properly inserted into the card. See page 3