The fridge has a setting for electric, propane, or auto adjust. The gas mode is for use when the vehicle is in a
remote setting. For park electric hookup or generator use, keep mode set on Auto only.
Note: Fridge must be level to operate properly. If you are parked on a steep incline, it will not function.
Note: The first time an RV fridge is powered on after having set several days, it may take up to 3-4 hours to
cool down initially. This is normal for this type of system. Once cool, it can be turned on and off and still
maintain proper cooling levels.
Toilet - Sinks
-These function identical to marine facilities and operate basically similar to home use. Pump can be turned on
when not hooked to park water source to provide usage pressure.
- Always uses RV/Marine TP or single ply TP as the septic systems are more sensitive than home systems. You
do not need to use any of the lav additive stowed in the bathroom but may if necessary.
Exit Switches
Switches are located at the entry step including porch and interior lights.
Battery connect master switch- turns off everything in cabin to ensure battery isn’t drained. Not needed when
hooked up to park electric source.
Stair Lock switch – keeps outer step locked open when the vehicle is parked, so that they do not retract every
time the camper door is opened or closed. Stairs automatically retract when vehicle is started.