Door locks
The inside of the camper door has a red and a white locking switch. The red switch locks the handles to the
door. It can be opened from the outside with the key, or from the inside red switch. The upper white switch
is an additional security bolt for in- transit travel with children, or to provide additional security. It utilizes
an internal bolt to secure the door and will not allow the door to open until unlocked. It can also be opened
from the outside with a key. Each lock on the exterior of the camper door utilizes a separate brass key (i.e.
there are two keys for the door).
Door & Bin Latches
The camper door can be latched to remain open. This especially useful for windy days, or when used in
conjunction with the screen door.
Most of the bins have bullet latches (see above right) to assist in holding the compartment hatches open when
loading / unloading the bins.
Vehicle Fuel Tank
Fuel tank for the RV is located inside a small storage bin at the rear driver side corner.