Green Heating Technology
Probable causes
Suggested solutions
the boiler has over-
heated and the
Safety Thermostat
has triggered
Restore the boiler function by using the
button. If necessary,
wait at least 20-30 minutes (to make the boiler cool) and try again.
If the lockout persists or reappears, call the Service Centre.
Verify the safety thermostat functionality. Detect the causes of
the overheating, e.g. an insufficient circulation in the primary cir
cuit; max gas pressure out of the limits or maximum heating power
excessive for the heating system size.
The flue overheat
thermal fuse has
triggered (flue on
boiler outlet too
Solve the problem that caused the overheating of the flue, then
replace the flue thermal fuse.
Note for the TECHNICIAN:
flue thermal fuse preserves the flue ducts (that are
made with Polypropylene, a material suitable to the condensate acidity) from
the high temperatures, that could lead to their fusion or deformation. The trig
gering of this device consists in its blowing and therefore it must be replaced.
Failure to the sys
tem flow tempera
ture probe.
Check the cabling of the system flow temperature probe.
Replacement of the system flow temperature probe.
Failure to the DHW
temperature probe.
Check the cabling of the DHW temperature probe.
Replacement of the DHW temperature probe.
Max number of
alarms/blocks, of
any kind, reached.
Boiler has blocked and has been reset many times. This proves that
the boiler has a problem, so call the Service Centre.
To attempt an interim restore, disconnect the electrical sup
ply to the boiler by operating the suitable external bipolar switch,
then connect it again after a few minutes.
Max number of
boiler alarms
reached for no
flame detection.
Combustion or burner has a recursive problem. Flame detection
has been lost (with boiler block) for many times in a row.
Try a boiler reset by using the
button. If the lockout
persists or reappears, call the Service Centre.
Periodical Service
Call Service Technician for planned maintenance operations.
, User can cancel this for 3 times. After that the signal remain on display.
Even with this signal present, boiler is still working properly.
Insufficient system
(loss of water pressure
switch triggered)
Restore the correct pressure as described in "Preliminary opera
tions" on page 9 or (preferibly by the Technician) in "Heating
system filling and pressuring" on page 18.
Remark: Consider that the pressure, in normal conditions, should not decrease with the progress of the time. If
this happens, there is probably a loss in the heating system. Sometimes the loss is so small that it doesn’t
leave evident signs, but with the progress of the time it can cause the decreasing of the pressure. Also the
opening of the manual venting taps of radiators (intentional or unintentional) makes the pressure decrease.
Check that this doesn’t happen.
Gas modulator not
Check the cabling of the gas valve's modulation command.
Gas valve electrical circuit failure. Check/replace.