DC/DCM100 to 330 Dust Collector - Instruction Manual & Parts
8. Connect to air supply
All electrical connections to the ISTblast equipment should be made by a qualified electrician and must adhere
to the codes, standards, and procedures specified by the authority having jurisdiction.
The customer is responsible for providing appropriate disconnecting means adjacent to the equipment for
each incoming power circuit.
1. For the first two weeks of use, you should not shake the dust collector’s bags. This will allow the dust to
create a thin layer on the inside of the bag, increasing the filtering efficiency. It also explains why new bags
may leak for the first hours of use.
2. Bags cleaning
a. For DC 50 dust collector, shake the bags manually with the handle
on the side of the equipment
(picture 1)
b. For DC/DCM 100, 160, 230, 330, you need an 80 psi maximum air
supply for the standard, push button, pneumatic dust bag shaker
of your equipment. Your air supply must be coupled to the air inlet
with a ¼ inch male coupling. Just press (more or less 10 times) the
button on the side of the service door
(picture 2).
Picture 1
Picture 2