Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. – www.issi.com
Rev. A, 09/18/2017
The evaluation board is controlled by LPC922.
IS31FL3216A evaluation board has 9 modes:
1) Audio Mode: Blue LEDs light bar in board flashes
to the sides with the strength of the music. The
stronger the music, the closer the LED bar is to
2) Audio Mode: Blue LEDs light bar in board flashes
from left to right with the strength of the music.
The stronger the music, the brighter the LED.
3) Audio Mode: Blue LEDs light bar in board flashes
from right to left with the strength of the music.
The stronger the music, the brighter the LED.
4) Audio Mode: RGBs light bar in board with music
and weak flicker and switch colors. (The color
changes to B-G-R).
5) Audio Mode (AGC OFF): RGBs light bar in board
flashes from left to right with the strength of the
music. Music the stronger the color bar the longer.
Switch colors automatically every six to seven
6) Audio Mode (AGC ON, AGS 6dB): RGBs light bar
in board flashes from left to right with the strength
of the music. Music the stronger the color bar the
longer. Switch colors automatically every six to
seven seconds.
7) Auto frame play Mode: Blue LEDs light bar in
board move form right to left with off-tail effect.
8) Auto frame play Mode: The blue LED light below
the demo board moves from center to side.
9) Button Mode: OUT9~OUT16 use as input port,
OUT~OUT drives 8 LEDs as output. The default 8
LEDs are all bright. Press the corresponding
button on the left (OUT9~OUT16 corresponding
pin grounding). Then the corresponding LED
lights will go out.
Note: IS31FL3216A solely controls the FxLED function on the
evaluation board.
JP1 default setting is closed (jumper on). If it is open
(when the EVB is powered on by 5V DC or
micro-USB, no jumper JP1), the on-board MCU will
configure its own I2C/SDB/AD pins to High
Impedance status so an external source can driver
the I2C/SDB signals to control the IS31FL3216A LED
driver, the on-board MCU will also configure the U5
and U6 to open the VLED (Single color LED+) and
close the VRGB.
The AD pin is pulled low setting the device address of
IS31FL3216A to 0xE8 (0x74 for 7bit address format).
Figure 2: Photo of Arduino UNO connected to Evaluation
The steps listed below are an example using the
Arduino for external control.
The Arduino hardware consists of an Atmel
microcontroller with a bootloader allowing quick
firmware updates. First download the latest Arduino
Integrated Development Environment IDE (1.6.12 or
greater) from
. Also
download the Wire.h library from
www.arduino.cc/en/reference/wire and verify that
pgmspace.h is in the directory …program
/. Then download the latest IS31FL3216A test
firmware (sketch) from the ISSI website
1) Open
2) Connect the 5 pins from Arduino board to
IS31FL3216A EVB:
a) Arduino 5V pin to IS31FL3216A EVB VCC
b) Arduino GND to IS31FL3216A EVB GND
c) Arduino SDA (A4) to IS31FL3216A EVB
d) Arduino SCL (A5) to IS31FL3216A EVB
e) If Arduino use 3.3V MCU VCC, connect
3.3V to IS31FL3216A EVB SDB, if Arduino
use 5.0V MCU VCC, connect 5.0V to EVB
(Arduino UNO is 5.0V, so SDB=5.0V)