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TTI-22 Iss.04– 11/15
In this case check the sensor either at a fixed point or by comparison calibration with a reference
If you have selected DIN IEC 75, set the calibration temperature range (e.g. –50 to 200 °C; 0 to 420
°C, etc.) in the lines Cal.Low and Cal.High.
Enter the maximum sensor temperature in the line Max.Temp.
If the sensor producer has not stated the maximum temperature, choose one that is approx. 5°C
above the upper limit (Cal.High) of the calibration temperature range.
Do not enter a value that is lower than the value entered for Cal.High. Otherwise the maximum
temperature limit is not monitored.
Exceeding the permissible operation temperature range can cause irreversible change in
sensor behaviour and may require a new calibration.
10. Enter the calibration parameters (R0, R[0.01 °C], A, B, C, C[1], ...C[5]) according to the
calibration certificate by overwriting the default values.
The number of parameters depends on the temperature range and the selected temperature
calculation method.
In IEC-751 the constant C is only used for temperatures below 0 °C. You can either set "C" to "0" or
use the default value.
11. After you have concluded your input, press <ESC> and save the new values.
Example for a Pt 100 sensor:
Cal. No.: 000001
Temp. Calculation: IEC-751
Validity of calibration: 180 days
Calibration temperature range: 0 - 200 °C
Maximum sensor temperature: 250 °C
= 100.017
= 0.0039126
= -5.9153E – 7
After the example values have been entered, the display shows the following:
Fig. 7 - 6
Example for sensor data
After the maximum sensor temperature has been exceeded