IC18 Sprayer/NH3 OEM options
Application Rate Options
Target Rate Percentage Increase/Decrease
Figure 1-17: Target Rate Percentage Increase/
Target Rate Percentage Increase/Decrease Keys increase/decrease the
application target rate per the established percentage set in the Machine
Operation setup screen under Application Rate Step. Automatic regulation
mode will automatically adjust the application rate based on the current speed in
reference to the target rate. Preset Application Rates define up to five (5) target
rates of product being applied per hectare/acre. These can be toggled using the
Toggle Preset Target Rate Key on the Operation Screen or Home Screen.
To adjust the Target Rate, press the BOOST/STEP % INCREASE/DECREASE
Target Rate
Preset Application Rates define up to five (5) target rates of product being applied
per hectare/acre. These settings will set the same for all active trips. Target rates
set to “0.0” will not be included in the toggle preset target rate options on the
Operation Screen or Home Screen.
If a switchbox is being used to control the boom sections, current target application
rate can be set on the Operation Screen.
When a switchbox is not connected to the system current target application rate
needs to be established on the Home Screen before entering Operation Mode.
With Switchbox
Figure 1-18: Target Application Rate
To toggle between Target Application Rates, press the TOGGLE PRESET
Without Switchbox
Figure 1-19: Target Application Rate
To toggle between Target Application Rates, press the TOGGLE PRESET