For detailed operating instructions and updates, please visit
www.iSmartAlarm.com. This product is a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) product,
and no further monitoring services/installation are provided by iSmart
Alarm, Inc. The product owner/buyer is responsible for any installation
and the reporting to authorities in the case of a burglary or emergency.
The manufacturer or distributor of iSmart Alarm, Inc. are not responsible
for any legal liability caused by the negligence or incorrect installation of
the iSmartAlarm system by the owner/buyer. Our products come with a
1-year warranty in general in all countries, or a 2-year warranty where is
required by your local Consumer Law. No warranty may be excluded
under your local Consumer Law. The warranty becomes void if any
technicians. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major
failure of product. You are also entitled to have goods repaired or
replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does
not amount to major failure. Please refer to the Warranty or Terms and
Conditions for more details.