iSMA-B-MAC36NL User Manual
Version 1.4
Page 49 / 51
Figure 42. Start page view
In the case of unexpected problems with establishing a connection or suspension of the view
page, or for example the need to quickly return to the start page, we have a special service
menu available. To access it, drag your finger from the top of the screen and you will get the
following service menu view on the top of the screen.
Figure 43. Menu view
Function buttons fulfil a similar role as in the web browser:
BACK (left arrow)
return to the previously opened page.
FORWARD (right arrow)
move to the next page in the case of a BACK action.
REFRESH (circle with an arrow)
refresh the current page (reload).
HOME (house)
opening the start page defined in the navigation file (does not open the login