S p e z i a l e l e k t r o n i k G m b H
iseg Spezialelektronik GmbH
Email: [email protected]
Tel ++ 49 (0)351 / 26 996 - 0
Bautzner Landstr. 23
Fax ++ 49 (0)351 / 26 996 - 21
D - 01454 Radeberg/ Rossendorf
Menu Display
Software limit voltage
F 01 ULt
Set software-voltage limit with pot. “Voltage”.
will be limited to this value ( 0.0
Software limit current
F 02 ILt
Set software-current limit with pot. “Current“
will be limited to this value ( 0.0
Hardware limit I
F 03 HCLt
Not implemented
Pre-setting U-SET
F 04 USEt
Values > 0 with pot. “Voltage“ will be set automatically
with “HV-ON“, LED at the pot. is off.
Pre-setting I-SET
F 05 ISEt
Values > 0 with pot. “Current“ will be set automatically
with “HV-ON“, LED at the pot. is off.
Ramp set
F 06 rSEt
Set of Ramp with pot. “Voltage“ in a range of 10 up to
3000 V/s ( 0.0
3000 V/s, factory setting)
Polarity set
F 07 PSEt
Not implemented
Control with analogue
I/O automatically
F 08 Auto
ON with “SET”:
Control is in remote control mode via analogue I/O
after “POWER-ON” and “HV-ON” automatically
The INHIBIT signal on analog I/O has the priority!
High to Low: HV switch off always,
Low to High: HV switch on always,
LOW static, HV=0
Activate/Switch on with „HV-ON“ or „INHIBIT“
OFF with “SET”:
Control is in “LOCAL” control mode after “POWER-
ON” and “HV-ON”
High to Low: HV switch off always,
LOW static, HV=0
Switch on with „HV-ON“ only
Change interface
F 09 ChIF
“CAn” remote control via CAN-Interface
“r232” remote control via RS232-Interface
“IEEE” remote control via IEEE-Interface
“aIF” remote control via analogue I/O
“SET” back to “CAn”
Instruction set
F 10 InSt
“SCPI” control under SCPI-command set
(IEEE and RS232)
control under command set of ET System
electronic GmbH (IEEE and RS232)
back to “SCPI”
Address IEEE
F 11 AdrI
IEEE-bus unit address of 01 to 31
Address CAN
F 12 AdrC
CAN-bus unit address of 00 up to 63
Echo on/off for RS232 F 13 ECHO
Back to F 01