Doc. CEI12166
Rev. 1
Pag. 13 Of 47
- The “Coil current” selection means that the timing is measured with the reference to the first coil
current detected, being it Open or Close, according to the test sequence. Next window allows to select
the coil current threshold percentage, from 1% to 30%, of the selected current range, that is displayed:
coil range selection is performed accessing “Analog channel / coils setting”.
This selection was used in the past, when coil drivers were made of relay contacts that bounced in a
way that the accurate time measurement was made difficult, and has been provided for comparison with
older test results. Also, changing the current threshold changes the timing result, as the current
increases slowly, because of the coil inductance. With CBA1000, coil driving is electronic: the voltage
edge is steep, and there is no bounce; so, the internal trigger selection is preferable. The difference
between the two selections is in the order of 1 ms.
- The “Internal trigger” selection means that the time measurement starts as the first Open or Close coil
command is issued by the driving circuit.
- The “Coil command reset” selection means that the time measurement starts as the Open or Close coil
command drops.
- The “Analog input” selection means that the time measurement starts when the analog input level
crosses (greater than, lower than) the selected threshold. Next window allows to select the analog input