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General Description
The DVA-3009 270 Mb/s serial digital video distribution amplifier provides the user with a single standard
module to cover a wide range of distribution and monitoring functions for SDI or ASI signals. Two triple output
distribution amplifiers are provided on the one card.
Due to the fact that standard loop through techniques used in the analogue domain are unsuitable to the digital
domain most digital equipment comes with no facility to route the input signal to other locations.
As digital equipment usually lack “loop through” inputs a DA is required at almost every point in the digital chain.
Serial digital signals also suffer severe deterioration over relatively short cable distances. The DVA-3009 provides
a means of extending the working distances that can be achieved by equalising and re-transmitting the data in mid
The DVA-3009 may also be used to provide input equalisation for devices not having this feature, as most
unequalised inputs will only support cable lengths of less than 20 metres.
Frequent re-clocking of serial digital signals can lead to serious increases in jitter with resultant data errors. The
DVA-3009 does not include re-clocking, which minimises these errors, leaving re-clocking to be done by the
receiving device.
For applications requiring reclocking the DVA-3007 should be used.
To provide for the polarity sensitive nature of ASI signals, all outputs of the DVA-3009 are in phase with the
The DVA-3009 may be mounted in IRT’s 1 RU or 3 RU frames with other analogue or digital modules.
Standard Features:
For use as buffer or distribution amplifier.
3 non inverting outputs on each amplifier.
Automatic input equalisation to 300 metres.
Low jitter on the output, <0.1UI when equalising 100m of cable.
Automatic output muting on no input.
Front panel monitoring output, signal presence LED and external alarm contacts.
Non reclocking design ideal for use in conjunction with reclocking DA to provide
additional outputs.