Seite 10
Main Unit
The main unit of the conference system dwcs2.4 consists in its basic configuration of one
mainframe, which contains all necessary single modules. This mainframe is factory-
installed with the necessary boards, configurated and prewired. The wiring between the
individual modules should only be changed to reconfigure the entire system.
The mainframe is intended for the installation into 19"-rack, but could be used also as
free standing single device. IRP however always recommends the installation into an
appropriate housing, since then all the wiring between the modules is protected against
accidental disconnection and injuries. Every male connection in the prewired system
would lead to unnecassary problems. Your specialized dealer can offer a range of 19”-
housings for one or more mainframes.
In case of a fixed rack-installation a sufficient ventilation should be guaranteed at any
time. Unsuitable for the operation and storage of the devices are spaces with too high air
humidity or high dirt load.
Single Modules of the Main Unit:
1. Power Supply
The power supply for the conference system dwcs2.4 is integrated into the mainframe. It
is factory-adjusted to the necessary voltage (110V or 230V) and accordingly marked.
The power supply supplies three single voltages, which are necessary for the operation of
the system: +5V, +18V and -18V. The operating condition for the three individual
voltages is displayed on the front panel by three blue LEDs. After switching the system
on, all three LEDs light up and display the ready status of the device. If one of the LEDs
should not light up, please call your specialist dealer.
Verwenden Sie zum Netzanschluß nur entsprechend zugelassene Netzkabel bzw. das
werksseitig beigelegte Schutzkontakt/Kaltgerätekabel.
Use only the supplied power cable or a specified main power cable. The device should not
be switched off and on again without interruption (like all processor-controlled electronic
devices). Please wait at least 5 seconds after switching the unit off, until switching it on
again. By using several mainframes for one system, all mainframes must be switched on
at the same time in a time window of maximum two seconds.
2. Controller-Board
The controller board provides for the system control, controlling the log-in and log-out
processes of the individual microphone stations and assigns the appropriate radio
channels and transmission cycles.
The dwcs2.4 operates as a FDMA/TDMA system (Frequecy Devision / Time Devision) with
dynamic channel assignment.
Each microphone station calls in first (after pressing the talk button) at the controller
board. In case of an available audio channel in the system, the station is assigned to this
channel with the certain transmission cycle. The station receives the command to send
the awaiting audio data via this channel. In case all channels are busy, the call is