Research has shown that exercise and fitness are beneficial to a
person’s health. The Surgeon General released a report on physical
activity and stated exercise as key component for disease prevention
and healthier living. Your heart rate level can help you gauge the
intensity of your exercise. The runner console has a wireless heart rate
receiver that can detect a signal being transmitted from a wireless
chest strap.
Heart Rate Information
Generally, a wireless heart rate chest strap (not included) will provide
the most accurate and easiest way to monitor a heart rate. Certain
Wi-Fi networks and cordless telephones may disrupt the signal from
a chest strap which will show erratic signal results on the console.
If this occurs, please move the treadmill away from potential
disturbances. In order for the console to detect and show your heart
rate wirelessly, the following four conditions must be met:
1. A compatible heart rate chest strap must be functional and worn
2. Console must be on
3. A workout program must be running
4. Chest strap is worn within 3 feet of the console
Wireless Heart Rate Receiver
arget heart rate is determined based on your age. If the exercise
intensity, based on your heart rate, is too high, injuries or fatigue
may occur and counteract your fitness goals. If the exercise intensity
is too low, you are likely not maximizing your workout. It is generally
reported that individuals should target between 65% and 85% of
your maximum heart rate to be most effective. Maximum heart rate
is determined by subtracting your age from 220 BPM.
To calculate your maximum heart rate and determine an effective
target heart rate zone, the following formula is used for a 32 year
• 220-32 = 188 BPM (220 BPM less age = calculated maximum
heart rate)
• 0.65 x 188 = 122 BPM (65% of calculated maximum heart rate)
• 0.85 x 188 = 160 BPM (85% of calculated maximum heart rate)
Maximum Heart Rate and Target Training Zone
1. Hold ENTER/START for 3 seconds. Press ENTER to view Total
Time, Total Distance, and Version
View History
1. Hold ENTER/START for 2 seconds, Buzzer will sound.
2. When you see the repair icon , electronic scroll will show “clear
service interval”
3. To remove the monthly service, press “ENTER” when it shows
4. To keep monthly service reminder, press “UP” or “DOWN” for
switching to “NO”, then press “ENTER”
Service Due Message