a. Dig a hole 48
deep and 21
x 21
square . The edge of the hole
should be flush with the edge of the playing surface. If you live in an area
where heavy frost can occur, it ma y pose a problem, consult your local
building inspector to determi ne the appropriate hole depth.
b. Build a form before pouring the concrete pad, to ensure that the top
of the concrete rema ins straight and square. The form should
be placed about 1/2
above the playing surface to allow for water drainage.
c. Bell out the bottom of the hole.
21 "
2 1 "
4 8"
NOTE: The hole must be at least 48
NOTE: A square hole prevents the rotation of the concrete.
NOTE: The area behind the playing surface must be cleared off by at least
3 feet to enable the user to stand behind the pole to adjust the Rim height.
NOTE: Before digging, call to locate any buried utility lines.
NOTE: At rim height 10’, distance from the face of backboard to the
front of Main Post(A)is 48”, Choose the proper location to dig
for the concrete footing:
A. Thr ea d a 16 mm
Hex Nut (M) on to ea ch of the 16 mm
J- Bol ts
(N).Secu rel y tigh ten the Nut s al l the way do wn to the en d of the
thr ea ds.
B. Slide the thr ea de d en d of the J- Bol ts thr ou gh the ho les
in the Anch or Tem pl at e (O) an d secure ea ch J- Bol t with a
16 mm J- Bol t Hex Nut s( R) as sho wn. Secu rel y tigh ten al l Nut s
at thi s time.
NOTE: Make
sure the curved
ends of the J-Bolts are
oriented in a rectangular pattern, as shown.