900 Series Owner’s Guide
Roomba Blinks
and Says …
Likely Cause
What to Do
Error 8.
Please open the
iRobot App for help.
The Roomba's
vacuum fan is
stuck or its filter is
Remove and empty the
Roomba’s bin. Clean the
Roomba’s filter. Then, briskly tap
the bin to loosen any remaining
trapped debris.
Error 9.
Tap the Roomba’s
bumper, then press
CLEAN to restart.
The Roomba’s
bumper is stuck, or
the bumper sensor
is dirty.
Briskly tap the Roomba’s bumper
several times to dislodge any
debris that may be trapped
Error 10.
Left/Right. Please
open the iRobot App
for help.
The Roomba’s left
or right wheel is
not moving.
If the Roomba is stuck, free it and
start in a new location. Clean
the Roomba’s side wheels of
hair and debris. Push the wheels
in and out, and check that they
both turn freely.
Error 11.
Please open the
iRobot App for help.
The Roomba has
an internal error.
Contact iRobot Customer Care.
Error 14.
Re-install Roomba’s
bin, then press CLEAN
to restart.
The Roomba’s
bin has a bad
connection to the
Remove and reinstall the bin to
ensure a good connection. Wipe
the metal bin contacts on both
the robot and the bin with a
clean, dry cloth.
Error 15.
Press CLEAN to
The Roomba has
an internal error.
Press CLEAN to start a new
mission. If the problem persists,
contact iRobot Customer Care.
Roomba Blinks
and Says …
Likely Cause
What to Do
Error 16.
Place the Roomba
on a flat surface
then press CLEAN
to restart.
The Roomba has
started while
moving or at an
angle, or was
bumped while
Move the Roomba to a flat
surface then press CLEAN to
restart. Avoid moving the robot
when pressing CLEAN or when
the Roomba is running.
Error 17.
Please open the
iRobot App for help.
The Roomba
cannot complete
its job because its
path is blocked.
Ensure there is sufficient light
for the Roomba to navigate.
Excessive clutter could contribute
to this error. Ensure the Roomba
cannot close any doors that
may block its path. Wipe the
clear window on the robot’s top
surface with a clean, dry cloth.
Turn the Roomba over and clean
the Floor Tracking Sensor (see
page 24).
Error 18.
Please open the
iRobot App for help.
The Roomba
cannot return to
its Home Base or
starting position.
Ensure there are no obstacles
in front of the Home Base or
starting position. Wipe the
charging contacts on both the
Home Base and the robot with a
clean, dry cloth.