Mounts and Disrupters
Mounts and Disrupters
Proparms 12 .5 mm
Disrupter Mount
Modular clamp system attaches
at QuickClamp Fireset and
QuickClamp Accessory Mount
to support the Proparms
12 .5 mm Recoilless Disrupter .
This mount attaches and
removes from clamp in
seconds . Order Proparms
disrupters directly from
Part # 14063
iRobot platforms support a variety of disrupters . Disrupters can be electrically
initiated or Shock Tube initiated . Contact disrupter manufacturer for details .
Electrical initiation can be provided by iRobot PackBot Safe Firing System .
Shock Tube initiation requires the Single Channel Shock Tube Initiator .
Note: Robots incapable of firing disrupters due to their original configurations can be adapted to
accept disrupters. Contact iRobot for more information.
PAN Disrupter
Allows easy installation of the PAN Disrupter on Link 2 of
the iRobot 510 PackBot . Gas shock absorbers dissipate recoil
when the disrupter is fired, ensuring robot safety and minimal
recoil . QuickClamp Accessory Mount is required for installation .
Firing the PAN Disrupter also requires Single Channel Shock Tube
Initiator . Percussion-Actuated Non-electric (PAN) Disrupter is
available from Ideal Products Inc . at 859 .255 .7738 .
Part # 17955
For more information or a quote, contact iRobot at [email protected] or toll-free in the U.S. at
888.776.2687. International customers, call +(1) 781.430.3090.
.45 Caliber
Recoilless Water Disrupter
Initiated by a spring loaded
firing pin, unlike other designs
that use electrically initiated
cartridges . Consequently,
avoid EMC problems, the safety
concerns with regards to air
transport and the high storage
cost of electrical initiated
cartridges . Sold directly from
ELP and warranty information is
provided by the manufacturer .
Visit www .elp-gmbh .de
Single Channel Shock
Tube Initiator
Gives users the ability to initiate
shock tube from the firing circuit on
the Safe Firing System . Attaches
to the head-mounted QuickClamp
Fireset . Mounts and dismounts
from robot in seconds . Good for
10,000 shots . For disrupters that
require shock tube initiation such
as PAN disrupters .
Part # 16637
Proparms 20 mm
Disrupter Mount
Modular clamp system attaches
at QuickClamp Accessory
Mount to the Proparms 20 mm
Recoilless Disrupter . QuickClamp
Accessory Mount is required to
install this disrupter mount .
Attaches and removes from
clamp in seconds . Order
Proparms disrupters directly
Part # 14064
Richmond Recoilless
Disrupter Mount
Attaches at QuickClamp
Accessory Mount . Includes
two integrated lasers for
sighting . This mount attaches
and detaches from clamp in
seconds . Supports Richmond
RE12-12, RE50-28 M2 and
RE70 M3 . Quick Clamp
Accessory Mount is required
to install this disrupter mount .
Order disrupters directly from
Part # 14111
PAN Disrupter
CMD Spool Kit
Allows the operator to place a
charge, then back off to a safe
standoff distance before firing
the device using the safe
firing circuit . Guide bail keeps
firing cable (25m) outspooling
smoothly . Spool attaches and
removes from mount in seconds
without tools . Mount attaches
to the QuickClamp Fireset for
compatible robots .
Part # 13647
Safe Firing System Key
or Code Plug Kit
Key is interchangeable with
original PackBot EOD or
PackBot 510 with EOD Kit key .
No reprogramming required .
Insert key in firing circuit and
use as normal . Includes
iRobot-logo lanyard .
Part # 12126