IWF 2231
System Orientation
Ref. No 31-8930-0201-03/0103
The system consists of feeders, cables to each feeder, PTU (pneumatic threading up), and input yarn
The feeder consists of;
Motor and control circuit.
Spool body with 7 independently adjustable fingers.
Pick length control stopper magnet.
Yarn store sensor.
Wind-on sensor.
Winding sensor.
Spool body circumference, yarn store size and stopper unit are mechanically adjusted on the feeder. All
other settings are carried out on the weaving machine keyboard and are transmitted to the feeder
through the serial communication. The yarn release is controlled by the weaving machine.
The motor speed control is a microprocessor based frequency controller situated in the cover above the
At feeder start-up, the number of windings on the spool body is controlled by the yarn store sensor
which indicates the outer limit of the yarn store. The number of windings supplied to the yarn store is
continuously counted by the wind on sensor whilst at the same time the number of windings removed
from the yarn store is counted by the winding sensor. This information is used by the microprocessor to
calculate the motor speed. This procedure ensures a small constant yarn store.
The length of the pick is equal to the spool body circumference multiplied by the number of windings
removed during one insertion. The magnet pin is opened by a trigger signal from the weaving machine
and closes directly after the second to last winding passes the winding sensor.
31-8930-0201-03/0103-GB 01-01-18 08.11 Sidan 4