flames the best UV reading of the flame envelope
may be found at a different location from the best
IR reading. See earlier sections “IR DETECTOR”
and “UV DETECTOR”. Use the Adjust Mode
(“AdJ?”) procedure described above and set the
gain for the sensor not being used to zero.
4) If the IR sensor is being used, before final aiming
but with a typical reading on the display, verify
that the viewing head is not saturated by reducing
the IR gain by 100. The displayed reading should
be reduced by roughly 1/2. If it stays the same or
actually increases, the viewing head is saturated.
Continue reducing the gain in steps of 100 until the
displayed reading is reduced. Set the gain so the
reading is in the 1000 to 1400 range. If the IR sen-
sor was not saturated, skip paragraph 5) below.
5) If the viewing head was saturating check the aim-
ing by using the display readout on the back of the
housing to adjust the viewing angle of the head for
a maximum signal strength. If the display flashes
“99”, change the gain once more by using the Ad-
just Mode procedure to get a reading in the 1000
to 1400 range. The signal strength should now be
maximized by re-aiming the viewing head. This
procedure of optimizing the sighting and adjust-
ing the gain may have to be done more than once
to ensure that the viewing head is properly set up.
6) If the UV sensor has been chosen adjust the gain
(00-99) using the Adjust Mode so the displayed
reading is close to 1200. The UV sensor is not
likely to saturate but if the flame signal readings
are very high on low gain settings then an orifice
should be used. See the section
page 9.
7) Set or at least check the Flame ON and Flame
OFF set points. If they are still at the factory de-
fault values (Flame ON at 800 and Flame OFF at
600) they may be satisfactory as they are. If the
Flame ON reading is less than 1200 the Flame
OFF setting should be proportionately less.
8) Review the settings for F.F.R.T. and TIME DE-
LAY ON and adjust if necessary.
It is recommended that all previously made settings
be recorded before proceeding with this next step,
should you have the need to return to your previous
There are three major branches available on the deci-
sion tree once the setup menu is entered into by push-
ing the A and B push buttons. Refer to the flow chart
in figure 8 on page 17. A response of NO to “CAL?”,
will display the adjust option. A response of NO to
“AdJ?”, displays the return to default settings option.
A response of NO to “dEF?”, will return the P520/
P522 and the viewing head to normal operation. A re-
sponse of YES to defaults, will restore the original de-
fault settings that are stored for the selected channel,
overwriting the previous settings for that channel.
Once all final settings have been completed, record all
settings for future reference.
Sales and Applications Support:
IRIS Systems Inc.
7583 Vantage Place
Delta, BC V4G 1A
Tel: 800-667-IRIS
Fax: 604 581-9790
email: fl[email protected]
Web: www.iris-systems.com
Factory and Repairs:
IRIS Systems Inc.
(JB Systems, Inc.)
4944-113th Avenue North
Clearwater, FL 33760
Tel : 727 545-3900
Fax: 727 547-9589