User Manual
© 2016 IQ HOME Kft.
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Universal Gateway enables for developers to connect and manage IQRF IQMESH network with their
custom application in simply way. The Universal Gateway based on a Single Board Computer. The
gateway comes with Linux operating system. The preinstalled software contains custom-developed
daemon which manages the onboard IQRF module and provides some easy to use communication
interfaces. The gateway can be used like transparent network bridge between IQRF mesh network
and TCP/IP network or like a custom programmable device.
Software architecture
The Universal Gateway is shipped with a preinstalled SD card image. This image contains the
preinstalled unid daemon. The unid daemon manages the communication between the IQRF
module and user interfaces. The daemon provides easy access to the IQRF network. The
communication interfaces can be enabled or disabled in configuration file detailed in chapter.
Figure 1 shows the default communication architecture of Universal Gateway.
Interfaces establish connection between IQRF module and user applications. The unid daemon has
multiple interfaces:
IQRF IDE UDP Interface: Enables connection between onboard IQRF module and IQRF IDE on
TCP/IP network.
User Network Interface (UNetIf): Enables connection between onboard IQRF module and custom
local host application by simplified UDP protocol.
MQTT Client Interface: Simple MQTT 3.1.1 compliant interface.
The onboard Real Time Clock Calendar and EEPROM is accessible via IQRF module preprogrammed
with custom DPA handler. The peripherals can be used with standard DPA commands described in
DPA Commands
Various application running methods available via the Linux operating system, a Web server and PHP
interpreter is preinstalled with some example project.
The gateway by default comes with Ethernet connection. User has the possibility to change network
interface such as use a compatible USB WiFi dongle if wireless network connectivity is necessary.