User Manual
© 2016 IQ HOME Kft.
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IQRF IDE Interface
The IQRF IDE Interface enables the Universal Gateway to connect to the IQRF IDE as a UDP device
similar to other IQRF gateways. The IQRF IDE Interface provides more possibility than a simple UDP
IQRF IDE Interface packet sniffer service
The Universal Gateway has a packet sniffing service option. This service very useful for develop,
debug or testing new applications. The packet sniffing is forwarding IQRF network data stream to the
IQRF IDE. The IQRF data stream can be observed in real time in the IQRF IDE terminal log (Figure 7).
Figure 7 IQRF IDE – Packet sniffing log
The Rx/Tx IQRF data stream is shown as all data are received!
The packet sniffing service just add an extra option to the interface. If the packet sniffing service is
parameter in the configuration file set
) the IQRF IDE Interface should
forwards all packets which transferred via IQRF. Figure 8 shows all packets from the UNetIf or MQTT
Interface can be forwarded to the IQRF IDE.
Figure 8 Enabled packet sniffing