System DECT Installation Guide
Issue 1.3
3.2.2 Preliminary Positions of Base Stations
1. Obtain the plane drawings of the building.
First, understand the general constructing materials of the walls, doors, windows, etc.
The materials of the building are the main factors of attenuation of the RF signals.
Figure 3.2.2-1 DECT Site Survey
As the Base Station or Handset RF signal propagates, it is subject to several
characteristics that affect the ability to receive the signal in a useable form. Normal
attenuation, reflection, and noise all contribute to signal degradation over distance. The
Base Station and Handset transmit at about 10 dbm and can receive a signal of -70
dbm. In an open field with line-of-sight, the handset and Base station can have a
separation of about 175 meters. The antenna radiation pattern is approximately circular
in the horizontal plane (shown Figure 3.2.2-2). In an office environment, walls, doors,
windows, etc. will further attenuate the RF signal to varying degrees (guidelines below),
significantly reducing the coverage area.