Never perform any maintenance operations without first disconnecting the batteries.
Maintenance of the electrical circuit and all other operations not expressly required by this
manual must be performed by specialised personnel only, in compliance with current safety
legislation and as described in the maintenance manual.
Maintenance - General rules
Performing regular maintenance according to the Manufacturer’s instructions improves perfor-
mance and extends the working life of the machine.
When cleaning the machine, observe the following precautions.
Avoid using pressure washers. Water could penetrate the electrical compartment or mo
tors leading to damage or short circuits.
Do not use steam to avoid the heat warping plastic parts.
Do not use solvents or hydrocarbon based products. These can damage the cowling and
rubber components.
Cleaning the suction motor air filter
Open the dirty water tank lid, then remove the filter from it housing (fig. 17), wash it under running
water or using the same detergent dispensed by the machine, then when it is dry, replace the filter
in its housing.