The camera supports DDNS (Dynamic DNS) service.
Enable this service
Key-in the DynDNS account host name, user name, and password
that you had applied to the service provider . (If you choose to use
Camddns, just key in any user name as you like.)
Set up the IP Schedule update refreshing rate.
Click “Apply”
If setting up IP schedule update too frequently, the IP may be blocked.
In general, schedule update every day (1440 minutes) is recommended
DDNS Status
Updating: Information update
Idle: Stop service
DDNS registration successful, can now log by http://<username>.
ddns.camddns.com: Register successfully.
Update Failed, the name is already registered: The user name has
already been used. Please change it.
Update Failed, please check your internet connection: Network
connection failed.
Update Failed, please check the account information you provide:
The server, user name, and password may be wrong.